Thursday, September 26, 2019


Photo by W A T A R I on Unsplash

Silence is white
is a place once alive 
filled with laughter and joy
an old abandoned house rotting away 
along with the memories
day after day after day

Silence is red
like blood dripping 
a stain on the last page of a last letter
the last word, then a full stop
Silence is a full stop

Silence also is
a gray kiss
a purple certainty of the end of love
a flower that withers away in a cracked pot
because the hand who was watering it
isn't there anymore

Silence is nothing and everything
its the voice you long to hear
and the face you long to kiss
away away away...

Silence is useless
like a broken key inside an old rusted lock
that no one cares to try and pick
no one cares to open that door
to forgiveness

Silence is the door

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