Sunday, October 3, 2010

A reason to be...

You will argue with me. I am sure. You will come and say to me "You are a dreamer". And you will show me how dreams die every day. You will try to make me see through your sensible eyes. The way all others do. You will try and make me walk down the same path as others before me, the safe path. They all do, in the end, you say.  But...  Its your right to do it. Its my right to ignore it. I know all that. Heard it before. Save your words. I am a dreamer. I follow dreams. I follow nightmares also. Its all in the game. Can't help it. I follow Love. Always was. Always wll. Because, you know, that is my reason to be...

Sister Golden Hair Surprise, photo with kind permission from @phatpuppyart 

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