Saturday, April 7, 2012

"Ah Forse Lui", from La Traviata by Giuseppe Verdi

Ah fors’è lui che l’anima solinga
ne’ tumulti godea sovente pingere
de’ suoi colori occulti!
Lui, che modesto e vigile
all’egre soglie ascese,
e nuova febbre accese
destandomi all’amor!
A quell’amor ch’è palpito
dell’universo intero,
misterïoso, altero,
croce e delizia al cor.
A me, fanciulla, un candido
e trepido desire,
quest’effigiò dolcissimo
signor dell’avvenire.
Quando ne’ cieli il raggio
di sua beltà vedea,
e tutta me pascea
di quel divino error.
Sentia che amore è palpito
dell’universo intero,
misterioso, altero,
croce e delizia al cor!
Ah, perhaps he is the one to take
away my unhappiness,
to bring joy to my tormented soul!
He, who is modest,
strong and honourable.
He, who has brought my emotions to life
with new feelings of love!
It is a love like the heartbeat
of the whole universe,
mysterious, exalted,
pain and pleasure to my heart.
When I was a little girl,
I would dream so fondly
and so sweetly
of the man in my future.
When, in the heavens, the rays
of his beauty I saw,
they seemed to me
like a thing divine.
I felt that love beating
like the entire universe,
mysterious, exalted,
pain and pleasure to my heart!

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